In Honor of ALL Veterans | 
You've served your country faithfully
In wartime and in peace,
To keep America free from harm,
Yet war seems never to cease.
For it's an ongoing battle,
To fight for liberty,
�Twas so since our Founding Fathers,
Wanted to be free.
But only through defending
Our country from the foe,
Could America be a free land,
And God has willed it so.
For many would enslave us,
And want to be in command,
And rule us with an iron fist,
But we have the upper hand,
And it's because of those who choose
To keep America free,
And fight against the enemy,
In defense of our liberty.
So to all who've served our country,
Or are serving it today,
We thank you for your service to
The good old USA.
Thank you, thank you, thank you,
And may your service be
A blessing to the ones you love,
And your posterity.
But more, to every citizen
Who loves it as we do,
And honors you this Veteran's Day,
For standing tall and true. | By James H. Lee, Jr.
Copyright 2011 Listed November 11, 2011 |