Homecoming |
An end to snipers And IED flak While patrolling
the Ominous streets of Iraq;
Peace and tranquility
Now rule his land; He no longer treads The bloody
His time has ended in The service of the
sword; He sleeps in peace in the Arms of the Lord.
My son, my child, my Hope for the future, His
uniform concealing The surgeon's sutures
could not stay His ebbing life, And return him whole
Again to his wife
And his own sons who In sorrow
weep Over the coffin where Their hero now sleeps.
The rifles fire, The bugles play, Honoring the end
Of his earthly days.
I turn away, and Stifle a
curse; I see approaching Another hearse,
the snipers remain As does IED flak For others who
patrol Deadly streets in Iraq. |
By Thurman P. Woodfork
Copyright 2007 Listed
January 31, 2011 |