Hereditas Bellatorus Marinus |  |
Why am I out here, walkin' in the sand? Headed for Derna,
a rifle in my hand. March six-hundred miles, to stand outside
the walls, Our ships are in the harbor, shooting cannon
balls. Why am I out here, walkin' in the sand?
Why am
I out here, in French Belleau Wood? Doin' to the Hun, what no
one thought we could. "You want to live forever?" Sergeant
Daly said, Then led his Devil Dogs, �cross fields of wheat
and lead. Why am I out here, in French Belleau Wood?
Why am I on this, "pork chop" of Japan? Couldn't hardly move
in the black, volcanic sand. Up on Suribachi, six men raised
a flag, The stinkin' smell of sulphur, makes me choke and
gag. Why am I on this, "pork chop" of Japan?
Why am I
here, at a place called Hungnam? A few short months ago, at
Inchon we did land. At Chosin Reservoir, I dang near froze to
death, Chesty says we'll make it, and he ain't been wrong
yet. Why am I here, at a place called Hungnam?
Why am
I down here, in South Vietnam? A place on a river curve,
north of old Saigon. Contraband on oxcarts, scooters and
sampans, Keep a watch for "Charlie", he'll get you if he can.
Why am I down here, in South Vietnam?
Why am I out here,
walkin' in the sand? Shamal starts a-blowin', can't even see
your hand. Sleepin' in the desert, far away from home,
Surrounded by my buddies, so I ain't here alone. Why am I out
here, walkin' in the sand? | By Ken B. Harper
Copyright 2011 Listed November 6, 2011 |