Gaton Drop-Zone |
Red Glow Sixty-four Paratroops Rucksack On Groin
Sleep Relieves Pain
"Six Minutes" Sounds Loud and
Clear Warning Repeats Paratroops Rock
Minutes" Unbuckle Belts Ready to Get Up Squirm in
the Seat
"Inboard Personnel Stand-up" A Buddy Task
Hundred Pound Ruck Makes the Job Suck
Personnel Stand-up" No Room in the Aircraft Everything
is Choreographed Seats Are lifted
"Hook Up"
Static Line Hooks Attach to the Cables Safety Wire
"Check Static Line" Fingers Run Down the
Line To the Shoulder Then Check the Buddy's
Trusting Your Buddy Is Essential In Combat And On A
Jump For All Soldiers
"Check Equipment" Straps
Between the Legs Checked Weapons and Rucks Not
"Sound Off For Equipment Check" "Okay" Starts at the
Cockpit Hip Slapped, a Signal for Noise "All Okay,
Doors Open Wind Whistles
Overwhelming Voices Jumpmasters lean out the doors
"Stand In the Door" Heard Because of Hand Signals
Shuffle Forward Dragon Missile from Ankle to Shoulder
First Light Fills the Sky Ocean Waves Visible No
Land in Sight Water Landing a Real Fright
Slap Starts a Spring Up and Out the Door Wind Whips
"One, One Hundred" "Two, One Hundred"
"Three, One Hundred" A Welcome Feel
Woven Straps
Rising Past the Cheeks Past the Ears Jerk
Flipped Around Skirt Caught Engine Wash Silence
Silk Appearing Like Dandelions Look Up Full
"Thanks, God" "The Best Skirt" "Looked
Up" "Able to Go Home"
"No Time for Her Now"
"Where Am I?" Search the Horizon Breakers Beach Drop
Pull the Riser Head for the Beach Loose
Altitude Sandy Beach Release
Elephant Grass
Asphalt Road Drop Ruck Sack Drop Dragon Missiles
Hit Elephant Grass Settle to the Ground Feet,
Butt, Head Release Parachute
Wiggle Toes Rotate
Ankles Bend Knees Raise Legs
Wiggle Fingers
Rotate Wrists Bend Elbow Raise Arms
Reserve Chute Remove Harness Spring to Feet Find
Parachute Apex
Roll Parachute on Arms Stuff It in
the Bag Attach the Reserve Throw on Back
Lowering Line To Rucksack and Dragon Struggle to the
Road Overloaded
Drop Parachute at Recovery Point
Head for Assembly Area Find Fire Buddy Set-up Security
Two Weeks Jungle Training Then Go Home Dangerous
Part Is Done. |
By Mark I. Kirkmeyer
Copyright 2003 Listed
September 23, 2012 |
Mark Kirkmeyer served as a Light Weapons/Medical Specialist in the U.S. Army (1983-88), the U.S. Army Reserve (1988-1992), and the California National Guard (1992-1995). He is Gulf War Veteran (1991) and served in Korea (1986-87).It is illegal to
use this poem without the author's permission.
~~ Send your comments and/or use permission request to
Mark I. Kirkmeyer ~~ |
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1700s and 1800s can be used with reference to the author. |
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