Freedom's Hand
I reach up, take Freedom's hand
And walk across this great land.
I talked with Freedom as we walked
And listened intently as She talked.
She told me things I didn't know,
About where She's been and where She'd go.
She held the hands of 7,000 Marines on Iwo
Who lay down their lives 58 years ago.
She flew, not alone, in cockpits of 29's
With aviators a long way from home,
And flew 1500 miles back with them
Across the heaving seas and beckoning foam.
And as I walked, She held my hand.
Her grip was warm and strong,
For Freedom is still alive in this land,
And She yet fights against the wrong.
Today's date is nine one one of 2002.
Does Freedom walk with you?
Freedom still grips my hand,
And leads me through this land!
Freedom is a precious friend,
And will be to the end.
I'll always "play the man"
As long as Freedom holds my hand! |
C. Douglas Caffey
Copyright 2002 Listed March
12, 2009 |
Author's Bio:
C. Douglas Caffey is a disabled veteran of WWII. He
served (1944-1946) in the 509th Composite Bomb Group,
58th Wing, Air Photo Unit, 20th Air Force, United States
Army Air Force. It was the 509th who dropped the atomic
bombs on Japan and did the atom bomb tests at Bikini in
the Pacific. A chronic sufferer of PTSD since WWII, Doug
is a former college dean. He started writing poetry
several years ago and though he doesn't claim to be a
poet, he does claim to write from the heart. |
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C. Douglas Caffey. ~~ |
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1700s and 1800s can be used with reference to the author. |
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