The Forgotten Ones |
They are forgotten, these men and women
Many of whom delayed their education
They gave up their lives, to answer our Nation's Bell
Some served in places that only equaled hell
They went to war, these brave young men, and women
Wars that they fought against tyranny and oppression
They used up so much of their young lives
Some hopes and dreams, were shattered, beyond belief
They preserved and protected, our way of life that we hold
so dear
Some came home broken in body and spirit, their friends no
longer near
Some are homeless and lonely, that only others know
Memories fade, as they come and go
Some hide their memories of horrors they have seen
In hopes, the nightmares do not return, so they can sleep
Some are placed into nursing homes, only to be cared for by
To be forgotten, by friends and family members
Yes, these are our veterans, some broken and forgotten
Let us NEVER forget who they are, and ALWAYS remember them |
Merrill Vaughan, Ret. USAF MSgt.
Assistance Site
Copyright 2002 Listed April
16, 2009 |