Five Brothers |
The five brothers stood together shoulder to
Their faces bowed down, watching the ceremony below
These five brothers were not blood brothers
Nor brothers in the legal sense as well
They watched as the American flag snapped in the breeze at
half staff
Beneath, the POW flag also snapped in time
They watched as six escorts carried a flag draped coffin
Slowly, the coffin was lowered to the straps above the grave
They watched as the Honor Guard stepped back one-step
At parade rest, each of them proud of this detail
The five brothers looked at each other approvingly
For they had been there, and done that
They looked and saw the seven-person rifle squad
Also at parade rest, their weapons leaning outward
The two buglers were ready at opposite corners of the small
Ready to play the haunting sound of TAPS with an echo
Softly, they heard the honor guard and rifle team come to
Above, the five brothers came to attention as well
For they now looked down to see the flag from the coffin
slowly raised up
They watched as the honor guard prepared to fold the flag
With dignified reverence, the flag was properly folded and
Till the flag was in the tri-corner shape with the blue
field and stars on top
Slowly, the senior member secured the flag in between his
He presented the flag to the family and slowly saluted the
The rifle team became ready with their weapons pointed
"Ready, Aim, Fire" is the command three times
Those in uniform salute their fallen comrade
As the team fires, everyone jerks and tears start to flow
The haunting tones of Taps begins from one corner
Chills are sent thru everyone as the second bugle begins to
The five brothers look at each other and nod approval
Not a tear in their eyes as they can cry no more
The five look down and wave forward their next brother
The five brothers are no more for now they are six
All brothers with one identical reason
For they had all been killed in combat
Never to feel the shock and trauma to their bodies
They now stand in line, shoulder to shoulder, the oldest one
In order they were WWI, WWII, Korea, then
Vietnam, Desert Storm and now War on Terror |
Merrill Vaughan, Ret. USAF MSgt.
Assistance Site
Copyright 2003 Listed April
6, 2009 |