The Fire Dances |
Late in my life,
and so very deep
into the night,
I gather fingers of flame,
orange and white
fire, dancing
past midnight.
... and I hear muted sounds
of distant war
as time burns into old moments,
young faces... with
eyes so bright,
alive with courage,
... dying away
into grey dreams.
The silent ashes of my memory.
We light a fire
to pacify our fate.
The bony finger of death
... beckoning us
to follow!
As the ashen faces of soldiers
return again
to the perimeter of our lives,
to defend... once again,
... and slowly they protect us.
... they defend us all.
Their tomb is opened,
revealing the voices of children
and laughter,
... and such courage!
The fire dances
and I see them again,
... living,
... so alive in the Light! |
Lou J. Klaiber
Copyright 2003 Listed
November 25, 2009 |