The Fighting Man |  |
| God bless the fighting man He does for his country what he can American intentions are just and true He protects freedom for me and you
This is something that changes lives They join other men and leave their wives They must be off to a foreign land Such is the life of the fighting man
He is undeterred by heat or pain Strong, unflinching muscles bear the strain Standing tall with his rifle erect For the USA he has sworn to protect
Square-jawed men who join the fight They must do what is right They are keeping democracy free And putting an end to tyranny
Men who fight in mud and sand Men who fight to take a stand Handle their duty with skill and grace Giving emancipation to this place
Fighting for liberty in Iraq Soldiers watching each others back Sweat runs down his proud chest The fighting man, America's best
Lonely soldier comforted by his brother's embrace Their's is a bond that spans both time and place Love for each other unites the fighting man A love no woman can understand | By Harley Waddell Copyright 2006 Listed 11/9/2006 |