Freedom Has To Be Paid | 
| Our Troops; I realize this used to be the Eden Where God made Adam, and his wife Eve But you have been gone too long; and bleeding So hurry up, and come on home. Will you please?
We all miss you; we all love you, and respect you too All that has to be done; of that we are well assured We know that in you heart, and your strength; you shall do. But 'O, it's so hard to know what you all have endured.
Come home for a while; no, come home to stay Lord, bring our people home; let them at home be We miss you and love you and every night we Pray They have been gone so long; to make our Country free.
Freedom isn't easy to come by; Freedom has to be paid God go with these troops of ours; all; even today Many will come home, but some in their graves are laid. Because we know without Thee; there's no other way.
We know you're paying for freedom; maybe for another Country; freedom is bought for all; by your sweat and blood But all miss you; friends, mates, sib's Dad & mother. So hot and dry there; Lord bring peace to all a cool little flood. | Pearlie Duncan Walker Copyright 2005 Listed November 24, 2005 |