For A Shadow Soldier |
... Read my heart my friend!
Not these words that I write
for our friends.
just the sorrow in my heart.
Send me that message called 'Bright Light'
... and then Sunlight
tilted against the end of a day
reaching from the very edge
of dawn
soon after a hard rain!
A morning after sorrow!
I don't know how to weep anymore.
I just cry someplace within
my old history.
and long... long ago.
I cry in strange ways
for something lost
that cannot be found.
... Perhaps myself
my youth... gone!
We become silence.
We become a breeze
of warm and gentle rain
moving toward a rainbow.
Just small shadows creeping
across the green grass;
Living at the bottom of the wind
and peering at the setting of the Sun
as it falls
to the other side of that mountain home
whose arms reach joyfully
into the wonder of the sky.
My Brother!
The dead have called
from the distance of all the world.
Your name shall be
of history itself, walking
unto death and beyond.
Seems my heart is draggin' some 'back trail'
covering your final recon
into Eternity.
Yet I cover a silent trail.
You are 'Charlie Mike' my friend!
Do you see it now?
'Clear Mission'
that final cool place I call
LZ Home my brother.
LZ Home. |
Lou J. Klaiber
Copyright 2002 Listed August
14, 2009 |
Lou served in Vietnam in 3 Corps Vietnam during 1965 - 1966 as a Sergeant E-5.
It is illegal to use this poem without the author's permission.
~~ Send your comments and/or use permission request to
Lou. ~~ |
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