Faith | 
| On the heroic flight of ninety-three, A man prayed my God unto thee... For he knew his life was about to end, And so he turned to his faith within.
He thought of his wife and children so fair, Wished he were with them instead of there. He called Lisa, same name as his wife, Told her he was in fear of his life.
We've been taken over by men insane, Realizing his was not the only plane. Todd and Lisa recited the Lord's Prayer, As flight 93 was flying through the air.
"The Lord is my Shepard," on bended knee, Recited our heroes of flight ninety-three. Then with their faith deep within their soul, Todd said, "Are you guys ready? Let's roll!"
Heroes were all on that fateful flight, They weren't going down without a fight. Our Lord must be proud of all of them, For in their last hour they called unto him. | Diana Gebe Copyright 2003 |