Do You Remember?
The green eggs?
Water in the lister bag?
Standing in line for mail?
Your buddy landing in jail?
Your laundry in a bag?
SOS for lunch?
A 2-yr old movie
Shared by a bunch?
The soda shop at home?
A chocolate ice cream cone?
A ride with the top down,
With the cutest girl in town?
The day you shipped out,
With uniform well done?
A short walk in the Park,
With the sweetheart you'd won?
The day you flew back
To the Good Ole USA?
At the soda shop again,
Not now a boy, but a man?
The sweetheart you had won,
More lovely now than then;
You popped the Big Question
And married life begins?
Does your memory take you back
To strange islands in the sea,
When life was lived for the day,
And the war made a man of me?
Does your memory return
In the stillness of the night,
When the wife and kids,
Have turned out the lights?
Are you alone again
With your memories in gear?
Back on the islands where
You first learned to fear?
Join the Club, my friend,
For you are not alone.
Our minds are half a world away,
While our bodies are at home!
Goodnight soldier,
Though we are older,
We'll still remember
Pearl Harbor in December? |
C. Douglas Caffey
Copyright 2002 Listed March
10, 2009 |
Author's Bio:
C. Douglas Caffey is a disabled veteran of WWII. He
served (1944-1946) in the 509th Composite Bomb Group,
58th Wing, Air Photo Unit, 20th Air Force, United States
Army Air Force. It was the 509th who dropped the atomic
bombs on Japan and did the atom bomb tests at Bikini in
the Pacific. A chronic sufferer of PTSD since WWII, Doug
is a former college dean. He started writing poetry
several years ago and though he doesn't claim to be a
poet, he does claim to write from the heart. |
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~~ Send your comments and/or use permission request to
C. Douglas Caffey. ~~ |
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it is available for public use. Note: Poems authored in the
1700s and 1800s can be used with reference to the author. |
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