Do You Remember? |  |
| I dreamed a dream of long ago How people came together. Our country was asleep, at rest, When suddenly, bad weather.
A jolt, a noise, a big mistake? Could this be just a drill? I saw the Harbor up in smoke atop a lonely hill.
The battleships lined in a row We're all hit, one by one. The planes were sitting peacefully out in the morning sun.
But foreign bombs which weren't so kind demolished all but two. A victory for the enemy but, one day, they'll watch, too!
The next day, our dear President Declares, "Now this means WAR!" Our men ran to their draft boards many to return no more.
Millions of people fought for the cause; The cause of good versus evil. Men and women with courage of steel. Our country was in an upheaval.
They went east and they went west. We fought at both ends of the world. Some victories, some tragedies, But, courage we ever unfurled.
Back here on the homefront. The ladies took over with joys. They built tanks, airplanes and jeeps They did it all for "the boys!"
The children all gathered together bought war bonds with money they saved. Traded stamps, collected paper and metals Gave dolls on the rubber drive days.
WE learned how to live without sugar And meat, butter, canned goods and shoes. We planted a VICTORY Garden And always traveled by twos.
I hated those eerie old sirens. We ran to the basement in fear with flashlights and radio in hand. We'd wait till we heard the "all clear!"
We heard of the terrible murders of people who didn't match up to Hitler's ideal of a human. Their lives, the unwillingly gave up.
The ovens, the camps, the experiments, too The children, the babies, if you were a Jew Your fate overseas was death in the chambers A community grave or camps full of labors.
Six million in all were taken alive "If you are a Jew, you will NOT survive."
The Nazi's were evil Inferiors they hated. If you couldn't walk You were exterminated!
The gypsies, the Poles, P.O.W.s and lame Ethnic Cleansing then, was the name of the game.
We'd win some. We'd lose some. We'd fight hard to win. We'd pray hard. We'd hope hard. We cried from within.
We wait and they fight WE gather the Japs And put them together in relocation camps.
Don't speak with an accent or have slanted eyes. You may be arrested and gathered as spies!
We hated the Germans We hated the Japs America and Freedom? Was there a lapse?
And then there was Normandy And Eisenhower ruled. "Operation Overlord" The Germans, we fooled!
The meeting of meetings Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin. Will Germany surrender? Whose doing the callin'?
A little while passes Our president dies. "The Dynamic Hero" A shocked nation cries.
Then Italy's leader Mussolini is dead. Opposed by his country, is executed!
The awesome announcement of the group suicide; Of Hitler and company Just can't be denied.
V-E Day was glorious Victory in Europe Day But Truman was nervous. He still had to play.
A game in the Pacific It still looked quite grim. The one big decision was left up to him.
Japan was still waging a war in the East. America had warned them Yes, here comes "THE BEAST".
The first one was "Little Boy"; A big atom bomb It dropped on Hiroshima One day in the calm.
The next one was "Fat Man" Nagasaki, its target. It vaporized people. No one could escape it.
The leader was weary He could stand it no longer. On August fourteenth, the FIGHTING WAS OVER!
On September five, our Macarthur did sign on behalf of the Allies the surrender divine!
And this meant V-J Day, Victory over Japan The G.I.'s were homebound There's peace in the land!
No war is not wanted Let all thoughts of it be spurned. It's peace all men long for When will we all learn?
In God we trust In God we pray To love our country Both night and Day.
To grant us our freedoms To worship and pray But, if we're attacked Well, here's what I say.
We have many heroes in our country here. And when they defend us, I stand up and cheer.
I'm proud of my country I cherish my choice to speak my opinions And lift up my voice.
I honor those people Who sacrifice much I sleep well at night Believing in such!
They leave home in numbers To fight for the rights Our forefathers fought so with Courage and might.
They vanish from loved ones Are fervent for mail Hold on to the photos Hitting the dusty trail.
How DARE you insult them Strike down their resolve. You sit in your freedom The conflict they solve!
If all men were like you With nothing but talk We might wave a different flag With checkpoint roadblocks.
We could have our own camps With ovens for those who do not show loyalty or wear the right clothes.
We could have our leader Test warfare on us While sleeping or eating Be covered with dust.
A dust that will kill you. How long will it take Dictators just stand there, say "Let's Them Eat Cake"
We could have our cities All demolished by planes I don't think I could ever Go through that pain again.
But, you sit and judge them, The men in the field The men on the oceans, Those men are our shield.
While you sit in judgement of what we must do to keep our dear freedoms to gain peace anew.
The freedom they fight for Allows you to leave You can live in Iraq Test what you believe.
Well, I chose to esteem them Those men in the fight They fight for my freedom They fight to unite.
The heroes who come Home In boxes or boats Are champion of freedom That no one demotes.
Our country was founded On values and God On patriotism, character On these I applaud.
So, in God we Trust In God we pray To love our country Both night and day.
To keep us our freedoms To worship and pray God bless those who LOVE her God Bless the USA. | On the 60th Anniversary of the END of World War II, I bring you this poem in recognition of what our country incurred, as our brave men in uniform protected our freedom then and honor our soldiers also today! By Linda Lee Brown Copyright 2005 Listed 6/20/2005 |