Distant Shores |  |
| Distant shores hold my love in their hands His fate, only god's knowledge My heart, a sanctuary for my tears That I shed in silence Happiness peaks through with deception in my smile While distant shores keep my love at bay Prayers get me through the night As I look at the calendar and check off another day Peacefully dreaming of love on a distant shore Only to awaken to find his side of the bed still neatly made Starting my day repetitively With the same fake happiness That the day before I portrayed
A sadness only but a few can sympathize Only one who loves a soldier Can understand the sorrow in my eyes My worries, my love, my distance, my fears Only one who loves a soldier can relate to my tears My honor, my freedom, my gratitude, The pride I have for my soldier I will feel forever more Only one who loves a soldier Can understand the feeling Of love on a distant shore | By Robin Biscaia Copyright 2007 Listed April 19, 2007 |