I am grateful to you because you chose to go when others said the cause was wrong. You did not turn your back on us in order to help in some way to bring about peace. I am grateful to you because tonight I can sit down and eat a loaf of bread. I am grateful to you because of your sacrifice I can say that I do not like war. This is without worrying that my door will be kicked in and I will be dragged away.Mostly, I am grateful to you because of your wounds, I am reminded once again of what it is that I have. For this cause I am grateful to you, because I can go out and wear absolutely the dumbest clothes, and do so because being dumb is not a crime. I am grateful to you because I get to sit down with my family or my friends and have a meal in peace. I am also grateful to you because if I do think that a certain politician is a fool... I can think it without being lined up against a brick wall and shot. There are so many things dear soldier that I am grateful to you, because of the fact you did not say no. Peace be with you and yours and most of all I salute you, because well I am grateful to you dear soldier. |