A Christmas Wish... Prayer for the Warriors |
Bless our vigilant warriors
Give strength to overcome to valiant saviors
Our sons and daughters, wherever they may be
On land, sky, or sailing the briny sea...
Safeguard those so lonely and far from home
In times dark, yet adventuresome
Watch over them, our brothers, sisters, where they go
Guide them wisely in times they do not know.
Glorify our warrior's calling
Which sent us righteous principles guarding
Called far from home to distant sod
To serve ever faithful, our country, our God
Whether crouched in wind-swept desert foxholes sandy
Or poised on high mountain's steep cranny
Steel us, brave men and women, our nation's pride select
The world depends on us riding war's bestial ogre to
Bless our nation's children carried courageous into duty
Bearing above all things, compassion for humanity
Keep the light of hope glowing ever bright
Bless might of swords flashing shining right
Honoring always, father, mother, sister, brother
Watching always the backs of one another...
Their lives for a country they love more than life offering
Bastions of our grand liberty protecting
World peace ever seeking!
May hearts of men be truly won
When battle's finally done.
Buoy up these soldiers, our children, sad and so alone
Feeling need in guilt for things seen and done to atone
Give thine balm of Gilead to ease their pain
Shield their sanity in combat that drives men insane
Bless them that they may look back with pride, and smile
Though multitudes of strifes and hatreds rile.
Fortify in our warriors hearts, humanities essence
Be gentle when war takes away their innocence
May intrinsic life values still be their choice elect
Defend them from traumatic stress defect
So as they return home, reaching to touch the sky
Give them answer to the question why?
So their country may say to valiant sons and daughters
by duty sent...
Well done my good and faithful servant! |
Gary Jacobson
Copyright 2002 Listed
December 17, 2010 |
In 1966-67, Gary Jacobson served with B Co
2nd/7th 1st Air Cavalry in Vietnam as a combat infantryman and is the recipient of the Purple
Gary, who resides in Idaho writes stories he
hopes are never forgotten, perhaps compelled by
a Vietnamese legend that says, "All poets are
full of silver threads that rise inside them as
the moon grows large." So Gary says he
writes because "It is that these silver
threads are words poking at me � I must let them
out. I must! I write for my brothers who cannot
bear to talk of what they've seen and to educate
those who haven't the foggiest idea about the
effect that the horrors of war have on
Visit Gary Jacobson's site for more information
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