American Warriors All |
All gave some.
Some gave all.
All vets answered the call.
All vets deserve to stand hickory tall
Whether combat infantryman,
Airborne or Cavalry
Air Force, Navy, Marines, Army
No paltry cause for cliques to whine
Were you rear Echelon or front line?
No vets should ever be penalized
By their fellows disenfranchised
Because brothers somewhere else were deployed.
Do not ostracize
Abuse or criticize...
Medics, Cooks, Mechanics, Artillery,
Serving in Okinawa, Vietnam, Japan, or Germany.
All did America fine,
Just because they didn't hang it all on the line.
There is no need of disunion's discord
Stand arm-in-arm with brothers in accord.
Brave men all,
Patriots all,
American's all.
Ready to go to war every day...
Serve in whatever way...
Valiant soldiers helped carry the load
Though not piercing fetid jungles
Frightening bold
Dancing Nam's bloody fest.
Standing proud with America's best...
His name honored with the warriors.
In service of country there are no schisms,
All soldiers � patriotic prisms,
Reflecting freedom's refracted bright
Making the world a place of light. |
Gary Jacobson
Copyright 2001 Listed
June 10, 2010 |
In 1966-67, Gary Jacobson served with B Co
2nd/7th 1st Air Cavalry in Vietnam as a combat
infantryman and is the recipient of the Purple
Gary, who resides in Idaho writes stories he
hopes are never forgotten, perhaps compelled by
a Vietnamese legend that says, "All poets are
full of silver threads that rise inside them as
the moon grows large." So Gary says he
writes because "It is that these silver
threads are words poking at me � I must let them
out. I must! I write for my brothers who cannot
bear to talk of what they've seen and to educate
those who haven't the foggiest idea about the
effect that the horrors of war have on
Visit Gary Jacobson's site for more information
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~~ Send your comments and/or use permission request to
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1700s and 1800s can be used with reference to the author. |
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