American Soldier |  |
Across ten thousand battle fields
He fought the seasoned foe
The desolation that war yields
His conscience came to know.
He lived and died in every fray
His blood soaked fields and streams
His valor always led the way
Disrupting sullen dreams.
The demographics were not pat
He came from every sphere
His mother ran a laundromat
His dad and auctioneer.
Back home he was a ne'er do well
He was almost unknown
He left serenity for Hell
As freedoms' seeds were sown.
Quite often we sought to define
The reasons why he came
He laid much more upon the line
Then just his family name.
He offered up his memories
He ransomed things to come
He wallowed not in vain glories
He gave his total sum.
Tread fast upon the battle field
To learn his firm resolve
His deeds ring out like armored shields
To make foes' hopes dissolve.
His hopes abide in miracles
His faith, much like the wind,
Cannot be stilled by obstacles
His valor knows no end.
The only asset he can own
Aside from combat skills
Lies mainly in his life alone
And in the foes he kills.
His value isn't in his death
It's that he will survive.
His dying spent his final breath
To keep free men alive.
The endless stream of brave young men
Who fight to make men free
Will answer this great call again
By heavenly decree
American soldiers do abound
And strive to make men free
A nobler cause has not been found
Nor will there ever be. | By Don Groninger
Copyright 2007 Listed December 1, 2008 |
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Don. ~~ |