Whether you're deployed to the Middle East, Africa, Tumbuktu or sun drenched Greece... Our thoughts of you remain the same, you're loved and admired past any physical plane.
You're doing a job, only you can do we're doing ours also, to help see you through. We're here for you until the end, for it's nothing more than a new begin.
Life cycles renewing, one by one you unravel the webs that have been done. You right terrible wrongs, insure peace your unwavering strength doth never cease.
We're proud of our troops, of all that you do... our torch is kept lit by each one of you. We remain free, happy, calm and brave because of all of you who take us cradle to grave.
You watch over us and guard us while we sleep is there any wonder why our admiration runs so deep? At the end of our day, when the work is done we pray to God for each and every one. Thank you troops and families for sharing them with us all. May God bless and comfort you as He has us - by lending you to us all. |