A Different Calling |
This year the "Memorial" has changed
It's different than those past
A different kind of war
From a different, "stone cast".
The battle is at Freedom's doorstep
With heroes of a different kind
Now, all of us are "Soldiers"
Against, the terrorists "sick" mind.
Civilians have always been
A part of every war
But, in this day and age
We must do, so much more.
If we expect to win this Battle
We must all join hands
In a strong, determined circle
With, Freedom lovers from all lands.
This world has changed forever
"The American Way"
There's so much more at stake
Than, the way we live and play.
Since 9-11 we're learning
The horrors of this world
Can even come to where
Freedoms Flag is, unfurled.
This day was meant to Honor
All, Military Heroes have endured
Now, we all could join their Ranks
If our resolve, is not assured.
So, let us all take a moment
To respect all those, "Fallen"
And vow, we're all up to the task
Of this, different "Calling". |
Del "Abe" Jones
Copyright 2002 Listed May 7, 2009 |