The 101st Airborne Division |
There was a promise made in Forty-two
By the first commander, General Lee
He told his raw, brand-new Recruits
They had a, "Rendezvous with destiny."
He said, like the Eagle on their badge
They would swoop down from the skies
Come crashing, like a Thunderbolt
Amongst the enemy's, fearful cries.
And ever since that fateful day
(Especially, for our enemies)
The One Hundred First was a part
Of, so many Battle's histories.
They had led the way on D-Day
With a night drop before invasion
And ever since, they've bravely fought
For a very proud, and grateful Nation.
When surrounded at Bastogne
"Nuts!" was McAuliffe's reply
When a surrender was demanded
Although, all knew it was, do or die.
Those brave Soldiers fought the fight
Until the siege was finally lifted
They showed that in the art of War
The Division, was truly, gifted.
They earned four Campaign Streamers
For their valiant deeds, during the War
Along with, two Presidential Citations
Just, the first of their Honors, galore.
After the War, they moved around
De-activated, and then reborn again
In Fifty-six, at Fort Campbell
As a permanent, Combat Division.
The mid-sixties saw the 1st Brigade
And then in, Sixty-seven, all the rest
Deployed, to the War in Vietnam
To try to straighten out, that mess.
In almost seven years in Nam
And in campaign after campaign
Fifteen fought in, to be exact
They added honors, to their proud name.
In Sixty-eight, they changed again
To the Airmobile Force, we now see
The World's only air assault outfit
With, its unparalleled, mobility.
In Ninety-one, another, "Rendezvous"
In the first War, deep in Iraq
Just one hundred hours to win that one
And every one, lived to, come back.
They've supported relief efforts
Over in Rwanda, and Somalia
They've supplied the peacekeepers
There, in Haiti, and in Bosnia.
Then, shortly, after Nine Eleven
They shipped off to, Afghanistan
The 3rd Brigade "Rakkassans"
Swiftly brought down, the Taliban.
Into the other War against Saddam
To help, to quickly bring him down
Then, the humanitarian mission
To help the folks, in Mosul town.
They've come Home, gone back again
To Serve and do, their very best
It seems no matter where they serve
Those "Screaming Eagles" pass the test.
A TV series made about them
Brings all of us, some insight
Enough to know, in any War
We surely need them, in the fight.
This day, is just a chance
To, thank them, one and all
Those Soldiers, and their Families
Who, answer, our Nation's Call. |
Del "Abe" Jones
Copyright 2009 Listed May 19, 2009 |