When I think of all that America has given to me, And as I ponder what my life without her would be. I know this nation of ours is a very exquisite thing, Her splendor causes me to want to boldly sing.
As I try to determine what effects she's had on me. I realize it's impossible to put a price on being free. In the USA we have rights others will never know. These liberties are what allow us to learn and grow.
We have the ability to choose both bad and good, We can disobey our laws; or live as we should. We can live a selfish life in our own little pigpen, Or we can choose to lovingly serve our countrymen,
How much of our inner character is daily formed, By principles of freedom that subtlety transform? The right to be a part of our government's voice, The opportunity to build a better life is our choice.
We as a nation, have people of most every diversity, Our nation has roots from every corner of humanity Our people's common desire is to remain free forever, As a collective people this is our unified endeavor.
I marvel at the goodness of my sisters and brothers, The compassionate people who kindly give to others. The opportunities that are open to all for the taking, The brilliant doctors who relieve our physical aching.
The men who fight in other lands to restore liberty, So these people can once again live forever free. The love of God by most every citizen of our state, The zealous efforts given to eradicate the seed of hate.
I love homes that provide shelter from life's storms, I love the storm clouds where lighting streaks form. The educational institutions where minds are shaped, I love red, white, and blue flags that are proudly draped.
We have so many of the things that matter above wealth, The scientists who toil for the betterment of our health, The daring astronauts who sour so very high in the sky, The accepted privilege we have to use the word WHY!
The bounty of the world's most productive farmers, Fill makers who bring to the screen beautiful charmers. The many fine cities where we have glitz and glamour, The fact that dishonest choices still cause a big clamor.
If you stop for a moment to appreciate what we've got, And realize the cost in bloodshed during the wars fought. If you can't see the beauty of America change you attitude! You're an ungrateful retch if you don't feel a little gratitude.
America is the gleaming jewel amongst the nations on earth, America is a collection of loyal people who give her worth. So lift up your eyes and look around you this very day, And offer a prayer to God that this nation never goes away. |