What is America? |
What makes this land so special
So beauteous, one nation under God shining bright
Borne in annals of right sacredly sacrificial
For all the world to see that cherish divine light.
Crowning good with brotherhood bold
America shines majestic through liberating strife
Beautiful for the eye to behold
America! America! Giving sweet breath of life...
Our land is the home of men free and brave
Men grasping for freedom's beneficial
Precepts of fidelity, the destiny of worlds to save
Promoting radical integrity in democracy judicial.
American eyes once lived in innocence
Borne from purple mountain's majestic delight
Guided by God's good sense
Ordained to defend the right.
God, preserve this nation valiantly fought for
In order to preserve God-given principles
Boundless liberty by patriotism bore
Defended by the blood of heroes.
Our forefather's, in order to establish domestic tranquility
Forged a noble Constitution to form more perfect union
Honoring freedom's light through steadfast veracity
To share with all the world our holy communion.
Patriots held these sacred truths to be self-evident
Allegiance with reliable verity
Honor bearing American resolve as hard as granite
To secure the blessings of past and future posterity.
Worth any fight is freedom's noble concept
True freedom does eternally true goodness cite
Sounding, bounding, from the pages of history leapt
God defend our golden birthright.
That bastion of truth seen from afar upon a hill
Whistling like wind over waving fields of golden grain
A beacon of right others may see, still
This valorous cause inalienable, aspire to attain.
Bravery is Americas motto official
Defended with glorious might on alters of right
With vision transcending the commercial
First conquering in ourselves detestable blight.
Rebuild withered hopes and ambitions of society
Keep burning strong America's magnificent flame
Ever earnest, every action in abiding sincerity
Reclaim truth and right's bastions in richest acclaim.
Walk softly in national goodwill
With duty sworn to hold rights of others ambrosial
From the dawn of time till
The big stick is shown in might to foes adversCambria.
America nobly protects morality's liberty in law
Welcomes the downtrodden to teeming shores multiracial
Repairs in truth and justice every flaw
Whether huddling masses, or noble band of brothers
Truth is the American way enduring
Nurtured in strength knowing right from wrong
Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, their glory
Echoes from all the trees sweet freedom's song.
America gives love like unto justice metered in blindness:
From our fruited plane across shimmering prairie and lake;
From sea to shining sea magnificence;
Let mortal tongues trumpet of truth, life, and liberty
awake. |
Gary Jacobson
Copyright 2005 Listed
July 3, 2010 |
In 1966-67, Gary Jacobson served with B Co
2nd/7th 1st Air Cavalry in Vietnam as a combat
infantryman and is the recipient of the Purple
Gary, who resides in Idaho writes stories he
hopes are never forgotten, perhaps compelled by
a Vietnamese legend that says, "All poets are
full of silver threads that rise inside them as
the moon grows large." So Gary says he
writes because "It is that these silver
threads are words poking at me � I must let them
out. I must! I write for my brothers who cannot
bear to talk of what they've seen and to educate
those who haven't the foggiest idea about the
effect that the horrors of war have on
Visit Gary Jacobson's site for more information
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