The Right To Vote
(2004) | 
| I'm glad I have the right to vote, And that my wife does, too, And all our friends and family, And that's including YOU.
It didn't used to be that way, But now it is, you see, As a United States citizen, They gave that right to me.
I exercise my right to vote For those I think the "best," Who'll help protect my freedom, And keep us heaven-blest.
Though I am just one person, One citizen in the crowd, I need to exercise my right, And make my country proud.
If I should fail to cast my vote, Then I cannot complain About the choices others made, Alas, I must refrain.
Besides, who knows the outcome, One vote may break the tie, In close elections such as this, And so I must comply,
Even if I have to stand And wait an hour or two, Or maybe even three or four, That's what I choose to do,
So I may cast my ballot, And let my voice be heard, Choosing whom I want to win, Though others think absurd.
I'm glad we have elections, And have the right to choose The ones we think will do the best, And though we win or lose,
We've done the best that we can do, And voted faithfully, As millions did before us, To keep this nation free.
God bless this land, America, And bless our leaders, too, And help us safeguard freedom, And our Red, White and Blue,
And help us be united, One nation, born to be The one where people come to, To find true liberty.
And may the ones we vote for, Be worthy of our trust, And pledge their sacred honor, To do things that are just,
And strive to make a difference As they serve faithfully, The cause of this great nation, This land of liberty. | By James H. Lee, Jr. Copyright 2004 |