Stripes | 
| My friend, Joe, was a hearty young man But he marched to his own drum beat One day he met up with a gang of thieves He soon became scum on the street.
Refrain: Mourn with me the loss of my friend Listen to his story Life was good and so was he Way back in the days of his glory.
One day he stole just an apple He was caught near the scene of the crime I wondered then how justice was fair, When, the judge gave him nine years of time.
While Joe wore stripes in the prison His duties were oft mixed and matched He washed and ironed, both shirts and pants Most often, he had to patch.
Two years of his life he did penance, The judge said, "The choice is now yours; Make all your family proud people Your decision could alter your score."
"There's a war being fought in our country You can join in the ranks of the bold Fighting for freedom and justice, Or stay in these stripes, getting old."
So, off to war went this soldier Fighting the South for the North, Believing in freedom and justice, Believing in freedom of choice.
Joe now wore a stripe upon his sleeve The rank of private, so proud He followed the Yankee banner And honor to his country avowed.
The soldier marched through battlefields Dodged musket balls of lead But, his heart was heavy laden O'er the youth, that there, lay dead.
One day the standard had fallen Joe was ordered to carry the flag In the midst of the melee, he pondered Would he run, or pick up the slack?
Joe knew right then, his fate was sealed When he stood with banner high For in the forefront he must go It was his honor to charge and die.
Day after day, he carried that flag To give homage to the brave At night he mended and patched the tears Only then - did the colors not wave.
Joe felt the burn of the bayonet And saw in the Rebel's eyes That same insolent, defiant, lad That Joe once was inside.
Joe's now dressed in the finest cloth For it adds honor to his story You see, across his coffin is draped new stripes, Red, white and blue, "Old Glory."
Last refrain: Mourn with me the loss of my friend, Now, that you know his story. Life was good and so was he Joe's back for a day of glory. | By Nancy Whittington Moore Copyright 2007 Listed June 21, 2007 |
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