She Reigns For Independence | 
| She waves at crowds on special days, America's parades. She's grand. And all the people �cross the land will stand, support her Glory, awe her presence, fame. She changes style, but name remains the same.
We see in schools her beauty. Stars and stripes with colors: blue, red, and white, are ripe. Never plain, they remain the same. She glows in wars across the fields for folks who fight. She soars with might, opens freedom's doors.
Her emblem's eche emits like echoes' peak of pride and power. Strength and freedom wreak as military forces arm, then guard the homelands, and America's backyard. She waves at crowds in freedom's rule. She reigns, �cause wars allow liberty to run through our veins. | By Carol Dee Meeks Copyright 2005 Listed June 30, 2005 Carol's Site |