Spirit of a Nation |  |
I proudly wave across the land, stately emblem in the
breeze A patriotic declaration of a nation's liberty
White purity and innocence Red hardiness and valor
Blue vigilance and justice are preserved within my colors
Over hallowed halls of knowledge, of government, of law
I stand watch over principles to earn my nation's awe
And like the stars so proudly worn upon my breast of blue
I transcend the bonds of earth to stand majestic on the moon
Dauntless onto battlefields I lead my country's brave
And with solemn dignity escort the fallen to their graves
I serve as dressing for the wounds of injured men and
towers Bestowing hope and solace in my nation's darkest
When my loyal, revered servants' last heartbeats
come to pass I join my mourning nation, flying somberly
half mast
Flames of hatred and dissension may reduce
my cloth to ash Yet with the smoke my liberty still rises
My strength lies not in stars or stripes, in
fabric nor in thread But in the hearts of citizens who
hold my values sacred
For those who would destroy
America's noble decoration Will come to find they can't
destroy the Spirit of a nation | By Deborah Whipp Copyright 20011
Listed August 12, 2011 |