As I watch in terror and begin to weep; with my tears shining through, On a steel and concrete heap; our flag Red, White and Blue!
She is our testament; our freedoms go untouched. She is our comfort and needed so much. With all her glory she stands with honor; not giving way to this unspeakable terror! We gave her life with stitch and staff. She gives us pride and this Country has, strength and endurance with total Unity! No matter religion or political beliefs.. We stand United and forever true; This Country; with Our Flag, Red, White and Blue!
Yesterday we argued not politically correct; Today we mourn our losses and yet, we are at peace with God's love. He is with us, giving strength, making us one. When today becomes yesterday and tears still flow; Our strength is tested and our pride will show, that no man on earth can take away, the freedoms fought for, and on this day; It is what's needed to carry on! To give honor in the loss of our daughters and sons. No one can justify the terror taken place; no one can make memory a mere erase. We will find comfort in our Unity; As a Nation standing true! For pride, freedom, justice and our flag; Red, White and Blue!
When we sing of freedom, it is so much more; That we know this great land is hated for. Others are jealous of our balance and unity; with our differences, being proud of our diversity. Others will shudder and call us names. When if fact they wonder how to achieve the same. And when disillusioned and in dismay, They strike at us in anger and in hostility. Causing mayhem and pain on me and on you. Freedom reigns while we pledge allegiance to; Our flag...Red, White and Blue!By Cynthia E. Jones Copyright 2001 |