Patriotic Monuments |
If they stood for one,
they stood for all,
long before
that granite wall
grew into a monument,
drawing people far and near
to touch a name
or shed a tear
or both, as bros
with knowing nods attest
they built it for
our nation's best
and they, themselves,
who travel back
to where they died
apart... intact,
dismembered... whole
but all remembered nonetheless;
long before
that wall we dress
with flowers, flags
or touching psalm
awakened all
who slept through Nam,
where men were born
and young boys died
because they loved,
because they tried. |
By Nancy L. Meek
Copyright 2007 Listed April 4, 2010 |
About Author... Nancy is the proud wife of William "Billy" J. Meek, a Vietnam War
Veteran, who served with the 1st Cavalry Airmobile Division, 11th Aviation
Group, 228th Battalion, Co. B.
Nancy's website |
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Nancy. ~~ |
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1700s and 1800s can be used with reference to the author. |
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