One Nation Under God | 
| One nation under God The way it was meant to be Forefathers fighting, living and dying So that we, can all be free.
And so it goes, throughout time Some battles never end New enemies we make, new wars we fight New allies we call friends.
But somewhere along, the path we've taken We loose more of ourselves everyday And nothing we do, can make up our lost As we travel along our way.
Why have we taken, God out of the picture When this land was built on Him The principles He gave us to live by Still hold their truth within.
And yet we feel, we can survive Without Him who made us strong But all we've done to make things right Turns out to be so wrong.
I think its time, we look up to Thee And in faith, reclaim this land That once more could certainly prosper By the guidance of his strong hand. | By Larry Roop Copyright 2004 Listed 07/07/2005 |