One Nation Under God | 
| America, the Beautiful, Was established long ago, By Christian Founding Fathers, And God had willed it so. They came from far across the sea In search of freedom's cause, To establish this, one nation, According to God's laws.
And through our Founding Fathers, This nation came to be Freed from Kings and Rulers, Where all men could be free To worship God, the Father, And His Beloved Son, According to their heart's desire, Though the battle was no fun.
For men of faith and courage, Stepped forth to here defend This nation's Declaration, And each one did depend On God and on each other, To help them to achieve Their freedom from oppression, In which they did believe.
And through this nation's freedom, The world has been blessed, And people from all nations, Who have been so oppressed, Have come within our borders, To enjoy sweet liberty, And to allow their children To here be "born free."
They pledge allegiance to our Flag, And to our nation's cause, To help the world become free From tyrants and their laws, And from the foul oppression Which kept them captive here, As slaves to the oppressors, Who lived in constant fear.
As Father's sons and daughters, God wants us to be free, Free from chains of bondage, And free from tyranny, And those who would enslave us, That's why He sent His Son, To teach us truths eternal, Through love, not by the gun.
This nation was established, One nation under God, So all could enjoy freedom, Which patriots do applaud, And men of faith and courage Defend unto this day, So their children and grandchildren Could be free to work and play.
And in this Christian nation, The Gospel was restored, To prepare for the Second Coming Of Jesus Christ, the Lord, To usher in the Millennium, A thousand years of peace, Where faith in God, the Father, Shall through Him here increase.
The time is not far distant, When all things prophesied By all the Holy Prophets, Which cannot be denied, Shall be fulfilled as spoken, As evidenced today, Even in America, The "Good Old USA."
God help us to prepare for The days and years ahead, As spoken by the Prophets, As by the Spirit led, Who've warned us and forewarn us, Of what God has in store, For His disobedient children, Both the rich and poor.
And remember, oh remember, The things He's taught us here, Are meant for our own welfare, And those we love so dear, To help us learn obedience, To follow and obey The teachings of the Savior, And what the scriptures say.
For only through obedience To God's eternal laws, May we find joy and happiness As we embrace His cause, And help our friends and neighbors, And our posterity Embrace the glorious gospel Which will truly set us free.
Free from Satan's powers, And from oppression here, So we, God's sons and daughters, Who to His heart are dear, May gain eternal blessings, And be all we can be, Not only for this lifetime, But for eternity.
May we so live, I humbly pray in Jesus' name. Amen | By James H. Lee, Jr. Copyright 2005 |