The Land of the Free |
On Independence Day this year
We'll wave our Flag, salute and cheer
We'll thank all those who've gone before
And those today, we send to War.
We'll think about what Freedom's cost
Those who fought and those we lost
We'll stand tall and proud and say,
"I'm glad I'm from the USA!"
Since it was signed in Seventy-six
There's some who've tried some dirty tricks
To change they way those words are read
To change it to their way, instead.
It has withstood the test of time
Protected Rights of yours and mine
It checks and balances those things
Heard when the sound of Freedom rings.
But hear me loud and hear me clear
There are still those we need to fear
Who would take those Rights away
Little by little and day by day.
Don't let anyone try to change
The way we live or rearrange
The American way of life we know
Born, two hundred thirty years ago.
For, once it starts to slip away
There'll be no Independence Day
And too late we'll look and see
We're not "The Land of the Free!" |
Del "Abe" Jones
Copyright 2006 Listed June 5, 2009 |