Hurray for Freedom and Liberty | 
| The 4th of July is special To everyone I know, When they have parades, and fireworks That set the night aglow, And early morning breakfasts, And fly Old Glory here, Saluting it with humble pride With friends and loved ones dear.
It is a symbol of this land, This nation born to be One nation, indivisible, Which God meant to be free, Free to be the leader Among free nations, too, And free to fly the American Flag, Our own Red, White and Blue.
This nation long has struggled To help other nations be Free from chains of bondage, And free from tyranny, To be more like our nation, And free to worship God, Who is our Heavenly Father, Deserving of applaud.
Many men and women Have fought for and have died Upon the field of battle, And many loved ones cried, Because their son or daughter Has given it their all, To thus ensure our freedom, Both the great and small.
And many are the heroes Who bear the scars of war, And live to bear their witness To both the rich and poor, That they would do it all again, To keep this nation free, Free to BE a chosen land, A land of liberty.
God bless this land, America, And bless the people, too, And bless our nation's heroes, And our Red, White and Blue, And may God bless our leaders, And all we stand for here, Just as our Founding Fathers did, For freedom, give a cheer.
Hurray for all our patriots, Hurray for heroes, too, Hurray for dear old Uncle Sam, And our Red, White and Blue, Hurray for our sweet liberty, And freedom here to be One nation, indivisible, Where all men may be free. | By James H. Lee, Jr. Copyright 2005 Listed 07/01/2005 |