Happy Birthday, America | 
Happy Birthday America,
and all born in July,
And may we all remember
our nation's battle cry,
And all our great forefathers did
to set this nation free,
Free from kings and rulers,
and free from tyranny.
This nation of America,
was destined to be great,
A nation among nations,
not born of fear nor hate,
But born to be a leader,
a land of liberty,
Where all who desired freedom,
could come and thus be free.
And thus our independence
from other nations here,
Happened on July the fourth,
1776, the year,
And many hearts were gladdened,
yet there was much to do,
To keep America safe at last,
a haven for patriots true.
And you and I are blessed today
to live in this great land,
Free from chains of bondage,
with Father in command,
And free to worship God above
in this land of liberty,
And honor those who bravely fought
to keep this nation free.
May God bless America,
and all who celebrate
It's birthday and their birthday,
and who anticipate
Parades and also fireworks,
and thanksgiving, too,
To God, and all who fought for it,
and our Red, White and Blue.
And may we never, ever forget
the sacrifices made,
By those who fought the battles,
and, yes, the price they paid,
In blood and sweat and also tears,
to keep this nation free,
Free from chains of bondage,
as it was meant to be.
Happy birthday, America,
and happy birthday, too,
To all who were born in the month of July,
happy birthday to you,
And may we all remember
that freedom isn't free,
But purchased on the battlefields,
both here and across the sea.
From July of 1776
to July, 2009,
There have been many wars,
and through God's grace divine,
America still stands today,
a land of liberty,
Where all may live in freedom,
from sea to shining sea.
To all who've helped to make it happen,
THANK YOU. | By James H. Lee, Jr. Copyright 2009
Listed July 4, 2009 |