God Gave Us America | 
God gave us Our America, Where we could e'er be free
To worship Him in righteousness From sea to shining sea.
He made the land and oceans, The mount and valley, too,
He painted trees a lovely green, And made the skies of blue.
He planted flowers for beauty, And scattered seeds around
So they could furnish food for us, From this choice fertile
He raised up noble men To lay a firm
foundation, Inspiring them to write the words For
Freedom's Declaration.
He gave them boundless courage
To fight for truth and right, And to defend this noble land
With all their strength and might.
They paved the way for
us To enjoy a land that's free, A land of pride and honor,
From sea to shining sea.
Oh may we keep it thus, A
land that's brave and true, For people who will honor it,
And our red, white and blue. | By James H. Lee, Jr.
Copyright 2003 / 1957
Listed September 5, 2011 |