American Standard |  |
No better representative
Of American liberty
Than her banner waving
Randomly in the wind
Fluttering defiantly
Hanging limp compliantly
Echoing its' battle cry
To enemy and friend
While flaunting its' integrity
Of balance and of symmetry
In linear geometry
Through eloquent design
The essence of its' hastening
Its' lambence in the air
Swells pride within its citizens
As a most formidable shrine.
It's quite a grand majestic sight,
The markings and the hue,
The stars, the stripes the coloring
Of red, of white and blue.
The unobstructed glory
The badge of our milieu
Speaks to its' admirers
Of all that's just and true.
The flag depicts our nation
A union of synergy
Drawing power from its' parts
Building an energy
The flag is a similitude
Of these United States
They're uniquely comprised of
Our diversity of traits.
Each star a separate agent
Of true sovereignty
They draw together in one realm
But cease not to be free.
The people are its' essence
They constitute the state
The merging of these separate states
Is what makes this nation great.
The flag has stood for freedom
And for the peoples' will
The voices that have died for it
Are silenced but not still
Their words could fill a million tomes
Supported by their deeds
And still the flag waves over us
Preserving noble creeds
The flag's emblazoned glory
Which endorses a crusade
Does help establish liberty
So a free world can evade
The wretchedness of tyranny
To make all people see
The difference between oppression
And living a life so free.
The impact of a nation's flag
As a standard for its' creed
Belies all false contentions
So its' truth will intercede.
And if that truth is righteousness
Its' message will prevail
And people will believe in it,
Its' mission cannot fail.
I pray to God we never cease
Our efforts to do good
And may the measure of our flag
Be clearly understood
And may we never waver from
Our Founders' true desire
When people look upon our flag
May they still see freedom's fire. | By Don Groninger
Copyright 2007 Listed December 3, 2008 |
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Don. ~~ |