America, Land of Liberty | 
God, the Eternal Father,
Through His Beloved Son,
Has blessed this land of liberty,
Through all He's said and done,
To thus establish America,
To be the promised land,
Choice above all others,
With Father in command.
He inspired our forefathers
To come across the sea,
To break the chains of bondage,
That all men might be free,
Free to worship God above,
And live His Gospel here,
Restored in these, the latter days
From heaven's atmosphere.
And to provide a shelter,
A haven meant to be
A place where noble patriots
Could once again be free,
And in the process, make the world
A better place to live,
Just as Father planned it,
While learning to forgive.
No matter what the obstacles
Or trials here may be,
America's the best land,
A land of liberty,
Thanks to our forefathers,
And heroes brave and true,
Who love this land, America,
And our Red, White and Blue.
But there's one stipulation,
Which God has thus declared,
That is that those who live here,
Must serve the Lord, who shared
His love, and also gave His life
That you and I might be
Freed from chains of bondage,
In this land of liberty.
God bless us as Americans,
To remember Christ, the Lord,
And live His glorious gospel,
Which all may here afford,
And strive to be found worthy of
The sacrifices made
By our noble forefathers,
And the price they paid,
And all those who have served the cause
Of our sweet liberty,
Defending and protecting
This nation, born to be
The chosen land, the promised land,
One nation under God,
Where Uncle Sam's great heroes are
Deserving of applaud.
May God bless America,
And heroes, brave and true,
Who've served the cause of freedom,
And our Red, White and Blue,
And may we never, ever forget
The price they had to pay,
So we, its noble citizens,
May live in the U. S. A.
May God Bless America | By James H. Lee, Jr. Copyright 2010
Listed July 4, 2010 |