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Sea Chanters July 4th Proud Performance

July 6, 2019

July 4, 2019 - Members of the U.S. Navy Band Sea Chanters chorus perform at the Hatch Memorial Shell on the Charles River Esplanade in Boston. The Navy Band visited Boston to perform in Independence Day celebrations with the Boston Pops Orchestra, Queen Latifah, Arlo Guthrie, the Texas Tenors, and others. (U.S. Navy photo by Senior Chief Musician Adam Grimm)

July 4, 2019 - Members of the U.S. Navy Band Sea Chanters chorus perform at the Hatch Memorial Shell on the Charles River Esplanade in Boston. The Navy Band visited Boston to perform in Independence Day celebrations with the Boston Pops Orchestra, Queen Latifah, Arlo Guthrie, the Texas Tenors, and others. (U.S. Navy photo by Senior Chief Musician Adam Grimm)

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US Flag Throw Blanket
USA, military, and other patriotic themed pullover and button down Polo shirts
Telescoping flagpole with free American Flag