Alison Malachowski and
former Marine Sgt. Danny Gonzalez hold each other at the grave
marker of U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sgt. James Malachowski -
Alison's son and Gonzalez's best friend and fellow Marine - in
Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery, July 22, 2015. The
two have remained close since James was killed by an improvised
explosive device while on his fourth combat deployment in
Afghanistan in 2011. Staff Sgt. Malachowski - who was by all
accounts a superior Marine on the fast track to the
upper-echelons of military service - was with the 2nd Battalion
of the 8th Marines when he was killed on March 20, 2011, while
his unit was raising the Afghanistan national flag over a small
compound near Patrol Base Dakota in Marjah Province. (U.S. Army
photo by Sgt. Ken Scar)