Trace Adkins USO Tour 2015

Grammy�-nominated megastar Trace Adkins celebrates the Grand Ole Opry's 90th anniversary and its rich history with the USO throughout his ten-day, three-country, troop-filled trip abroad. Adkins performed on a replica of the famed six-foot circle of wood which sits center stage at the Grand Ole Opry House. Generations of country music greats have performed on the circle's wooden boards, and Trace brought that experience to troops and military families overseas in Afghanistan, Kuwait and Germany during his tenth USO Tour.
The above photo with Trace Adkins with
U.S. Army soldiers in front of their tanks was taken during his
USO Tour 2015 in April and is courtesy of the USO ... See all 51 images of the Trace Adkins USO Tour 2015
in the slideshow below.
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