Soldiers from the
6-9 Armored Reconnaissance
Squadron, 3rd Brigade Combat
Team, 1st Cavalry Division, pay
their last respects to their
fallen comrades during a
memorial ceremony at Forward
Operating Base Normandy. The
memorial ceremony honoring Pfc.
Christopher McCloud, Cpl. Todd
Motley, Cpl. Jonathon Rivadeneira, and Staff Sgt.
Terry Wagoner, all from Troop B,
6-9 ARS was Oct. 6, 2007; and
Staff Sgt. Kevin Brown, Troop A,
6-9 ARS, was honored Oct. 7,
2007 ...
Photo by Spc.
Ryan Stroud, 3rd Brigade Combat
Team, 1st Cavalry Division
Public Affairs and courtesy of
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