| Scott and Anthony Cole, brothers from Rosemount, Minn., were able to spend the day together on Al Asad, March 21, 2007. Marc Allen, a former Marine and now a civilian working with Agility Logistics, arranged for Anthony to fly from Camp Fallujah to Al Asad to visit his brother. Scott, a 25-year-old sergeant, is a career retention specialist with Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 269 and Anthony, a 23-year-old corporal, is a food service specialist with India Company, 3rd Battalion, 12th Marines attached to Headquarters Battery 5/10. “We're one Marine family here,” said Allen. “It doesn't matter whether your retired, active duty or reservist. It's the bond that holds us all together. It made my day.” Photo by Cpl. Zachary Dyer, USMC |