Nakamura, William K. |
Private First Class William K. Nakamura distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action on 4 July 1944, near Castellina, Italy. During a fierce firefight, Private First Class Nakamura's platoon became pinned down by enemy machine gun fire from a concealed position. On his own initiative, Private First Class Nakamura crawled 20 yards toward the hostile nest with fire from the enemy machine gun barely missing him. Reaching a point 15 yards from the position, he quickly raised himself to a kneeling position and threw four hand grenades, killing or wounding at least three of the enemy soldiers. The enemy weapon silenced, Private First Class Nakamura crawled back to his platoon, which was able to continue its advance as a result of his courageous action. Later, his company was ordered to withdraw from the crest of a hill so that a mortar barrage could be placed on the ridge. On his own initiative, Private First Class Nakamura remained in position to cover his comrades' withdrawal. |
While moving toward the safety of a wooded draw,
his platoon became pinned down by deadly machine gun fire. Crawling
to a point from which he could fire on the enemy position, Private
First Class Nakamura quickly and accurately fired his weapon to pin
down the enemy machine gunners. His platoon was then able to
withdraw to safety without further casualties. Private First Class
Nakamura was killed during this heroic stand. Private First Class
Nakamura's extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping
with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great
credit on him, his unit, and the United States Army. | |