Lawley, William R., Jr. |
Rank and organization: First
Lieutenant, U.S. Army Air Corps, 364th Bomber Squadron, 305th
Bomber Group. Place and date: Over Europe, 20 February 1944.
Entered service at: Birmingham, Ala. Born: 23 August 1920,
Leeds, Ala. G.O. No.: 64, 8 August 1944. Citation... For
conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action above and beyond
the call of duty, 20 February 1944, while serving as pilot of a
B-17 aircraft on a heavy bombardment mission over enemy-occupied
continental Europe. Coming off the target he was attacked by
approximately 20 enemy fighters, shot out of formation, and his
plane severely crippled. Eight crewmembers were wounded, the
copilot was killed by a 20-mm. shell. One engine was on fire,
the controls shot away, and 1st Lt. Lawley seriously and
painfully wounded about the face. |
Forcing the copilot's body off
the controls, he brought the plane out of a steep dive, flying
with his left hand only. Blood covered the instruments and
windshield and visibility was impossible. With a full bomb load
the plane was difficult to maneuver and bombs could not be
released because the racks were frozen. After the order to bail
out had been given, 1 of the waist gunners informed the pilot
that 2 crewmembers were so severely wounded that it would be
impossible for them to bail out. With the fire in the engine
spreading, the danger of an explosion was imminent. Because of
the helpless condition of his wounded crewmembers 1st Lt. Lawley
elected to remain with the ship and bring them to safety if it
was humanly possible, giving the other crewmembers the option of
bailing out. Enemy fighters again attacked but by using
masterful evasive action he managed to lose them. One engine
again caught on fire and was extinguished by skillful flying.
1st Lt. Lawley remained at his post, refusing first aid until he
collapsed from sheer exhaustion caused by loss of blood, shock,
and the energy he had expended in keeping control of his plane.
He was revived by the bombardier and again took over the
controls. Coming over the English coast 1 engine ran out of
gasoline and had to be feathered. Another engine started to burn
and continued to do so until a successful crash landing was made
on a small fighter base. Through his heroism and exceptional
flying skill, 1st Lt. Lawley rendered outstanding distinguished
and valorous service to our Nation. | |