Rank and organization: Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company C, 362d Infantry, 91st Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Casaglia, Italy, 12 July 1944. Entered service at: Pixley, Calif. Birth: Talala, Okla. G.O. No.: 83, 2 October 1945.
Citation... He was an acting squad leader when heavy machinegun fire
from enemy positions, well dug in on commanding ground and camouflaged
by haystacks, stopped his company's advance and pinned down 1 platoon
where it was exposed to almost certain annihilation. Ordered to rescue
the beleaguered platoon by neutralizing the German automatic fire, he
led his squad forward along a draw to the right of the trapped unit
against 3 key positions which poured murderous fire into his helpless
comrades. When within range, his squad fired tracer bullets in an
attempt to set fire to the 3 haystacks which were strung out in a loose
line directly to the front, 75, 150, and 250 yards away. |
Realizing that this attack was ineffective, Sgt. Harmon ordered his squad to hold their position and voluntarily began a 1-man assault. Carrying white phosphorus grenades and a submachine gun, he skillfully took advantage of what little cover the terrain afforded and crept to within 25 yards of the first position. He set the haystack afire with a grenade, and when 2 of the enemy attempted to flee from the inferno, he killed them with his submachine gun. Crawling toward the second machinegun emplacement, he attracted fire and was wounded; but he continued to advance and destroyed the position with hand grenades, killing the occupants. He then attacked the third machinegun, running to a small knoll, then crawling over ground which offered no concealment or cover. About halfway to his objective, he was again wounded. But he struggled ahead until within 20 yards of the machinegun nest, where he raised himself to his knees to throw a grenade. He was knocked down by direct enemy fire. With a final, magnificent effort, he again arose, hurled the grenade and fell dead, riddled by bullets. His missile fired the third position, destroying it. Sgt. Harmon's extraordinary heroism, gallantry, and self-sacrifice saved a platoon from being wiped out, and made it possible for his company to advance against powerful enemy resistance. | |