Rank and organization: Private First
Class, U.S. Army, Company D, 21st Infantry, 24th Infantry
Division. Place and date: Mintal, Mindanao, Philippine Islands,
814 May 1945. Entered service at: Gulfport, Miss. Birth: New
Orleans, La. G.O. No.: 23, 6 March 1946. Citation... As a
member of the machinegun section, he displayed extreme gallantry and
intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty . When a Japanese sniper
rose from his foxhole to throw a grenade into their midst, this valiant
soldier charged and killed the enemy with a burst from his submachine
gun; then, by delivering sustained fire from his personal arm and
simultaneously directing the fire of 105mm. and .50 caliber weapons upon
the enemy pillboxes immobilizing this and another machinegun section, he
enabled them to put their guns into action. |
When 2
infantry companies established a bridgehead, he voluntarily
assisted in evacuating the wounded under heavy fire; and then,
securing an abandoned vehicle, transported casualties to the
rear through mortar and artillery fire so intense as to render
the vehicle inoperative and despite the fact he was suffering
from a painful wound. The following day he again volunteered,
this time for the hazardous job of repairing a bridge under
heavy enemy fire. On 14 May 1945, when leading a patrol to
evacuate casualties from his battalion, which was cut off, he
ran through a virtual hail of Japanese fire to secure an
abandoned machine gun. Though mortally wounded as he reached the
gun, he succeeded in drawing sufficient fire upon himself so
that the remaining members of the patrol could reach safety.
Pfc. Diamond's indomitable spirit, constant disregard of danger,
and eagerness to assist his comrades, will ever remain a symbol
of selflessness and heroic sacrifice to those for whom he gave
his life. | |