Rank and Organization: Captain, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve,
Marine Fighting Squadron 112. Place and date: Off Kolombangara
Island in the Solomons group, 31 January 1943. Entered service
at: Louisiana. Born: 15 February 1921, Lockport, La.
Citation... For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the
risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as leader of
a section of 6 fighter planes in Marine Fighting Squadron 112,
during aerial operations against enemy Japanese forces off
Kolombangara Island in the Solomons group, 31 January 1943.
Taking off with his section as escort for a strike force of dive
bombers and torpedo planes ordered to attack Japanese surface
vessels, 1st Lt. DeBlanc led his flight directly to the target
area where, at 14,000 feet, our strike force encountered a large
number of Japanese Zeros protecting the enemy's surface craft. |
In company with the other fighters, 1st Lt. DeBlanc instantly
engaged the hostile planes and aggressively countered their
repeated attempts to drive off our bombers, persevering in his
efforts to protect the diving planes and waging fierce combat
until, picking up a call for assistance from the dive bombers,
under attack by enemy float planes at 1,000 feet, he broke off
his engagement with the Zeros, plunged into the formation of
float planes and disrupted the savage attack, enabling our dive
bombers and torpedo planes to complete their runs on the
Japanese surface disposition and withdraw without further
incident. Although his escort mission was fulfilled upon the
safe retirement of the bombers, 1st Lt. DeBlanc courageously
remained on the scene despite a rapidly diminishing fuel supply
and, boldly challenging the enemy's superior number of float
planes, fought a valiant battle against terrific odds, seizing
the tactical advantage and striking repeatedly to destroy 3 of
the hostile aircraft and to disperse the remainder. Prepared to
maneuver his damaged plane back to base, he had climbed aloft
and set his course when he discovered 2 Zeros closing in behind.
Undaunted, he opened fire and blasted both Zeros from the sky in
a short, bitterly fought action which resulted in such hopeless
damage to his own plane that he was forced to bail out at a
perilously low altitude atop the trees on enemy-held
Kolombangara. A gallant officer, a superb airman, and an
indomitable fighter, 1st Lt. DeBlanc had rendered decisive
assistance during a critical stage of operations, and his
unwavering fortitude in the face of overwhelming opposition
reflects the highest credit upon himself and adds new luster to
the traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. | |