Rank and organization: Specialist Fourth Class, U.S. Army, Company B, 5th Battalion, 7th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile). Place and date: Quang
Tri Province, Republic of Vietnam, 28 June 1968. Entered service at:
New York, N.Y. Born: 20 December 1942, Salinas, Puerto Rico.
Citation... For conspicuous gallantry and
intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the
call of duty. Sp4c. Santiago-Colon distinguished himself at the cost
of his life while serving as a gunner in the mortar platoon of
Company B. While serving as a perimeter sentry, Sp4c. Santiago-Colon
heard distinct movement in the heavily wooded area to his front and
flanks. Immediately he alerted his fellow sentries in the area to
move to their foxholes and remain alert for any enemy probing
forces. |
From the wooded area around his position heavy enemy automatic weapons and small-arms fire suddenly broke out, but extreme darkness rendered difficult the precise location and identification of the hostile force. Only the muzzle flashes from enemy weapons indicated their position. Sp4c. Santiago-Colon and the other members of his position immediately began to repel the attackers, utilizing hand grenades, antipersonnel mines and small-arms fire. Due to the heavy volume of enemy fire and exploding grenades around them, a North Vietnamese soldier was able to crawl, undetected, to their position. Suddenly, the enemy soldier lobbed a hand grenade into Sp4c. Santiago-Colon's foxhole. Realizing that there was no time to throw the grenade out of his position, Sp4c. Santiago-Colon retrieved the grenade, tucked it in to his stomach and, turning away from his comrades, absorbed the full impact of the blast. His heroic self-sacrifice saved the lives of those who occupied the foxhole with him, and provided them with the inspiration to continue fighting until they had forced the enemy to retreat from the perimeter. By his gallantry at the cost of his life and in the highest traditions of the military service, Sp4c. Santiago-Colon has reflected great credit upon himself, his unit, and the U.S. Army. | |