Rank and organization: Sergeant (then L/Cpl.), U.S. Marine Corps, Company 1, 3d Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein) FMF.
Place and date: near the Demilitarized Zone, Republic of Vietnam, 24
July 1966. Entered service at: Stockton, Calif. Born: 26 May 1945,
French Camp, San Joaquin, Calif.
Citation... For conspicuous gallantry and
intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of
duty. While Company 1 was conducting an operation along the axis of
a narrow jungle trail, the leading company elements suffered
numerous casualties when they suddenly came under heavy fire from a
well concealed and numerically superior enemy force. Hearing the
engaged marines' calls for more firepower, Sgt. Pittman quickly
exchanged his rifle for a machinegun and several belts of
ammunition, left the relative safety of his platoon, and
unhesitatingly rushed forward to aid his comrades. |
Taken under intense enemy small-arms fire at point blank range during his advance, he returned the fire, silencing the enemy position. As Sgt. Pittman continued to forge forward to aid members of the leading platoon, he again came under heavy fire from 2 automatic weapons which he promptly destroyed. Learning that there were additional wounded marines 50 yards further along the trail, he braved a withering hail of enemy mortar and small-arms fire to continue onward. As he reached the position where the leading marines had fallen, he was suddenly confronted with a bold frontal attack by 30 to 40 enemy. Totally disregarding his safety, he calmly established a position in the middle of the trail and raked the advancing enemy with devastating machinegun fire. His weapon rendered ineffective, he picked up an enemy submachinegun and, together with a pistol seized from a fallen comrade, continued his lethal fire until the enemy force had withdrawn. Having exhausted his ammunition except for a grenade which he hurled at the enemy, he then rejoined his platoon. Sgt. Pittman's daring initiative, bold fighting spirit and selfless devotion to duty inflicted many enemy casualties, disrupted the enemy attack and saved the lives of many of his wounded comrades. His personal valor at grave risk to himself reflects the highest credit upon himself, the Marine Corps, and the U.S. Naval Service. | |